• Everybody says no to dental implants because of the misconception that implant placement is a painful procedure. On the contrary, dental implant treatments are actually simple procedures that can end up saving you a lot of pain in the long run.
  • Due to advancements in dentistry and implant technology, dental implants are becoming more and more routine and pain-free.
  • Dental implant surgery involves the placement of titanium posts into the bone/ gum. You may think it’s a complex procedure but actually, it is an easier process than extracting an infected tooth.
  • The implant surgery will be done under local anesthesia so you won’t feel any pain during the procedure.
  • We use CT Imaging Technology, so we have the best view of the implant site. This Imaging technology allows us to provide a more precise treatment and help us to make incisions and place implants with minimal discomfort.
  • During the healing period don’t miss the follow-up checkup with the doctor, this is to examine how your bone and gums responding to the implant.
  1. Warm salt water gargling to avoid soreness.
  2. Mild pain killers for short time following the treatment.
  3. One course of antibiotics to prevent the infection.
  4. Avoid hot, spice, and hard food for 10 days.
  5. Be on a soft diet and nonacidic drinks for 10 days.
  6. Avoid soda, wine, coffee, and other acidic foods that may inflame the healing area.
  7. You should expect some minor swelling during the healing process, which can be relieved with a simple ice pack.
  8. Avoid brushing at the surgical site to avoid pain and discomfort.
  9. Most patients are able to go back to work a day or two after their dental implant treatment.