
Chisel Dental Clinic Blog

" At Chisel Dental clinic we are proud of our unique Brand of gentle family dentistry.We do everything we can to make your visit comfortable or even enjoyable. By explaining your treatment choices every step of the way we help you make informed decision. We treat you with honesty,compassion and respect. "


February 2021

How is Cosmetic Dentistry Different From Traditional Dentistry?

• Traditional dentistry concerned about oral health and hygiene whereas cosmetic dentistry gives importance to the esthetic part also.
• In traditional dentistry treatment they try to restore the structure, function, and maintenance of the teeth.
• In cosmetic dentistry along with structure and function they gave importance to size, shape, contour, and color of the teeth and gum thereby gives you a beautiful smile.
• Cosmetic dentists work on your smile and appearance so it will bring you lifelong happiness.

Treatments come under cosmetic dentistry:
• Inlays, Onlays and crowns
• Inlays are indirect restoration which is placed inside the tooth cavity
• Onlays are indirect restoration which replaces the fractured cusp or wall of teeth
• Crowns are the structures that entirely covers the tooth crown portion

• Composite restoration
Composite restorations are tooth-colored material that adheres to the tooth structure with micromechanical bonding it helps in build up the fractured tooth structure

• Dental Veneers

They are the tooth colored laminates which covers the tooth from the facial surface.

• Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening will improve the color of your teeth whereas a normal cleaning procedure will remove the deposits and stains which adhered to the tooth structure.

• Implant

The implant is the best and most advanced option for the replacement of a missing tooth without causing any harm to the adjacent teeth.

• Gum surgery

There are some patients with enlarged gums which gives them a gummy smile so to improve the smile the doctors will remove the extra gingival which grown over the tooth called a gingivectomy.

There are some patients with darker gingiva so for such patients we will surgically rove the pigment-producing cells called melanocytes.


Everyone has a dream of getting a straight and beautiful smile. Unfortunately, many people suffer from having crooked or misaligned teeth. Traditional metal braces were the only option to align the teeth. It is very effective but is fairly visible. That visibility often prevents adults from undergoing braces treatment. Thankfully, there is a better method to straighten your teeth i.e, Invisalign. You may be wondering about the benefits of Invisalign. Many choose this treatment over traditional braces because of its advantages.


The appearance of the braces is what stops people from undergoing treatment for mal-aligned teeth. Traditional braces are very effective at creating beautiful smiles but they are extremely visible. The benefits of Invisalign treatment is that it is practically invisible. In fact, most people wouldn’t even know that you are wearing anything to your teeth.


Everything is computerized, your treatment plan is scheduled at the beginning so it can predict the duration of the treatment. The computerized outcome will give you a clear idea of your treatment progress right from the beginning till the end. It allows you to see the end result and how impressive your new smile will be.


Traditional braces are directly bonded to your teeth so it is not removable and maintaining good oral hygiene is a task with the braces. Invisible aligners are entirely removable. You can simply remove aligners by yourself while eating, brushing, and put them back on when you are done. Hence, there are no eating restrictions with the Invisalign.

Better Hygiene

One of the main complaints regarding the traditional braces includes food and debris getting stuck between wires and brackets. Any food that is stuck around the braces can decompose and smell, leading to bad breath. Invisalign however can be easily removed so that you can clean your teeth normally. Simply remove your aligners and brush and floss whenever needed, your aligners also can be cleaned.


With the traditional braces, patients will have an issue with pokey wires that bother their cheek or lips. However, with Invisalign treatment, pokey wires or brackets are not a concern at all. It is a painless experience as it has a smooth surface.

Lesser Dental Visits

With the traditional braces, regular appointments are required to maintain, tighten or replace broken brackets. But with the invisible aligners, patients can take all sets of aligners with them so that they don’t have to visit the dentist on monthly basis.

Does Getting A Dental Implant Hurt?

  • Everybody says no to dental implants because of the misconception that implant placement is a painful procedure. On the contrary, dental implant treatments are actually simple procedures that can end up saving you a lot of pain in the long run.
  • Due to advancements in dentistry and implant technology, dental implants are becoming more and more routine and pain-free.
  • Dental implant surgery involves the placement of titanium posts into the bone/ gum. You may think it’s a complex procedure but actually, it is an easier process than extracting an infected tooth.
  • The implant surgery will be done under local anesthesia so you won’t feel any pain during the procedure.
  • We use CT Imaging Technology, so we have the best view of the implant site. This Imaging technology allows us to provide a more precise treatment and help us to make incisions and place implants with minimal discomfort.
  • During the healing period don’t miss the follow-up checkup with the doctor, this is to examine how your bone and gums responding to the implant.
  1. Warm salt water gargling to avoid soreness.
  2. Mild pain killers for short time following the treatment.
  3. One course of antibiotics to prevent the infection.
  4. Avoid hot, spice, and hard food for 10 days.
  5. Be on a soft diet and nonacidic drinks for 10 days.
  6. Avoid soda, wine, coffee, and other acidic foods that may inflame the healing area.
  7. You should expect some minor swelling during the healing process, which can be relieved with a simple ice pack.
  8. Avoid brushing at the surgical site to avoid pain and discomfort.
  9. Most patients are able to go back to work a day or two after their dental implant treatment.


Dental fluorosis is a common disorder that involves the hypomineralisation of tooth enamel caused due to increased consumption of fluoride during enamel formation. Clinically it appears as intrinsic tooth discoloration, and, in few cases, it causes physical damage to the teeth.

Clinical appearance:
It appears as faint white lines/streaks on the teeth that occurs usually under 8yrs of age when younger children consume too much fluoride over a long period of time during the development of teeth under the gums. Once teeth erupt through the gums, you cannot develop fluorosis. . It is usually seen in the first eight years of life because that is the time when most permanent teeth are being formed.

• Inappropriate use of fluoride-containing dental products such as toothpaste and mouth rinses.
• Sometimes children swallow so much fluoridated toothpaste instead of spitting it out.
• Increased consumption of Fluoridated drinking water.
• Increased consumption of fluoride supplements during early childhood.
• Taking a fluoride supplement when fluoridated drinking water and the other sources already provide the right amount.
• Usage of fluoride tablets.

• White lace-like marks on the surface of the teeth.
• Dark brown stains on the teeth.
• Rough pitted enamel appearance.
• A natural tooth appears to be smooth and glossy.
• Pale creamy white appearance on the tooth surface.

Severity ranges from:
Questionable: Slight changes in the enamel which is in the form of white flecks to occasional white spots.
Very mild: Small opaque paper-white areas that are scattered over less than 25% of the tooth surface.
Mild: White opaque areas on the surface that are more extensive but still affect less than 50% of the surface.
Moderate: White opaque areas that affect more than 50% of the enamel surface.
Severe: All enamel surfaces are affected.

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