
Chisel Dental Clinic Blog

" At Chisel Dental clinic we are proud of our unique Brand of gentle family dentistry.We do everything we can to make your visit comfortable or even enjoyable. By explaining your treatment choices every step of the way we help you make informed decision. We treat you with honesty,compassion and respect. "



At Chisel Dental clinic we are proud of our unique Brand of gentle family dentistry.We do everything we can to make your visit comfortable or even enjoyable.

Clear Aligners vs Invisalign Aligners

Thank you for choosing Chisel Dental Clinic and trusting us
with your dental health.

Thank you for choosing Chisel Dental Clinic and trusting us with your dental health. 

Looking for a perfect smile? 

Aligners are the solution! 

Two of the most popular aligners are: 

1. Invisalign Aligners 

2. Clear Aligners 

Let’s understand the differences between these aligners: 

1. Brand Recognition 

Clear Aligners: A reputable Indian brand with growing popularity. Invisalign: A globally trusted and well-established name.

2. Customization 

Clear Aligners: Utilizes advanced technology for customized treatment plans. Invisalign: Pioneers in 3D imaging, offering precise, tailored aligners. 

3. Uniqueness 

Clear Aligners: Uses thinner material that seems more invisible. Invisalign: SmartTrack is the name of the patented material that makes Invisalign unique in its design. It is more sturdy and enhances predictability of treatment. 

4. Professional Involvement 

Clear Aligners: Typically involves certified orthodontists or dentists. Invisalign: Employs professionals specially trained in their system.

5. Attachments 

Clear Aligners: May use attachments in complex cases. 

Invisalign: May require tooth-colored attachments when necessary.

6. Cost 

Clear Aligners: 1.20 Lakhs 

Invisalign: 3 Lakhs 

Each option has its own set of advantages. Your selection will be shaped by the advice of your dentist and your individual requirements and preferences. We encourage you to consult with our experts to pinpoint the optimal aligner solution that suits you best.

2 by 4 Appliance | Orthodontic Treatment in Bangalore

  •  The 2×4 partial fixed appliance is a therapeutic solution applied in the early orthodontic treatment to prevent improper tooth positions from affecting the facial growth and dentition which includes:
  • Spacing and diastemas, minor rotations, reclined or proclined teeth, anterior crossbites may be corrected. It offers an opportunity to regain space for permanent teeth – in case of premature milk tooth loss the space for permanent tooth might be closed by neighbouring growing teeth. It also acts as a firm construction to guide an impacted tooth to the dental arch. 
  • It aims to correct the position of the front teeth (aesthetic role) or correct more complex malocclusion, which requires two-stage orthodontic intervention. 
  • Generally, this appliance allows you to effectively correct the alignment of teeth through the control of three dimensional tooth movement. Removable appliances do not provide such a possibility. 

Which teeth are involved in 2×4 appliance ?

  •  Central Incisors , Lateral incisors , 1st Molars 

Why is it okay to put braces at a young age ?

  •  The 3 teeth involved are completely erupted by the following age . 

 Therefore are ideal to be treated at the particular age .

Tooth Eruption age 
Central incisor7-8 yrs
Lateral incisor8-9 yrs
1st molar6-7 yrs


The basic 2×4 appliance design is as follows:

  •  Bands cemented on both upper/lower first permanent molars.
  •  Brackets bonded onto the erupted maxillary incisors.
  • Continuous archwires to provide/maintain good arch-form, as well as control of anterior teeth.
  • Supporting stainless steel tubing placed in the long archwire spans between the molars and incisors.


  • Treatment may start as soon as sufficient permanent teeth have erupted and it is felt that the child is co-operative enough to have separators placed, bands cemented and brackets bonded.
  • Treatment carried out in this mixed dentition stage may take as little as a couple of weeks, but in the more difficult cases can take few months.
  • In the majority of cases, however, the end result can be more effectively and efficiently achieved than if a removable appliance was used.
  • Definitive treatment will probably still be necessary in the permanent dentition, but the complexity and duration of this may be significantly reduced. 

Interceptive Orthodontics - Fresh SmileFresh Smile

How to Effectively Use a 2×4 Appliance | Semantic Scholar

JaypeeDigital | eBook ReaderOn the 13th month: A) upper right central incisor in the dental arch, B) radiographic evaluation where a bony defect was observed around the upper right central incisor and the root dilacerations on the central and lateral incisors. The root of the upper right canine is almost completely formed and with a tendency towards impaction.

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  • Minimal discomfort , Reduces need for patient co-operation 
  • Psychological benefits
  • Habit correction
  • Better hygiene maintenance
  • Increase control of tooth movements 
  • Movement possible in all three planes of space 


  • Appliance rarely worn full time 
  • Appliance damage/lost appliances 
  • Difficulty in speech/eating 
  • Gagging 
  • Decalcification/caries, Gingivitis/palatal hyperplasia/fungal infections 
  • Incorrect activation produces unhelpful changes  

For more details about 2/4 Appliance and Ortho Treatment in Bangalore visit our website

Deep Bite Treatment Bangalore 

A deep bite is an incredibly common condition affecting people of all ages, including young children and older adults. Also known as a dental malocclusion and misalignment, a deep bite is when there is an excessive overlap between the upper and lower front when the jaw closes

An untreated, deep overbite can lead to the following complications:

  • Excessive wear and damage to the teeth
  • Damage the gum and soft tissue around the teeth 
  • Problems with biting and chewing food
  • Headaches and temporomandibular joint disorder (known as TMJ or TMD)
  • Painful sores or ulcers 
  • Loss of tooth structure
  • Tooth loss 
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder


  • Genetics and inadequate jaw development and growth
  • Missing teeth, in particular missing back teeth
  • Periodontal (gum) disease
  • Teeth crowding
  • Worn, decayed or broken down teeth
  • Failing dental work
  • Teeth clenching and grinding habits
  • Habits such as thumb sucking, nail biting and grinding teeth.


Orthodontic treatment for deep bite correction 

  • Conventional fixed (labial) braces
  • Self ligating braces
  • Clear aligners
  • Night guard(Temporary)
  • Porcelain veneers and overlays
  •   Crowns, Bridges, and Dental Implants,(Permanent)
  • Table top


Thankfully, a deep bite can be corrected with several effective orthodontic treatment options using various types of braces.While every individual is different in terms of the severity of their deep bite, Orthodontic treatment will usually be required for 1-3 years.


People with self-ligating braces may have shorter orthodontist appointments, easier cleaning, and less discomfort. self-ligating braces takes about the same amount of time to achieve the same results that you would get from the conventional treatment. On average, you’re looking at being in braces between 12 to 30 months.

small fixtures called brackets are attached to your teeth. A thin metal wire called an archwire runs through these brackets. The archwire is gradually adjusted to apply force, moving your teeth into the desired position.For braces to work effectively, the archwire must remain secured in the brackets.Traditional braces achieve this by using elastic bands or metal ties. In contrast, self-ligating braces use a system built into the bracket itself to hold the archwire.


There are several potential benefits to using self-ligating braces. These include:

  • Shorter orthodontist visits. For traditional braces, individual ligatures must be replaced during an adjustment. Generally speaking, opening and shutting self-ligating brackets during an adjustment is less time consuming.
  • Easier cleaning. Ligatures can trap food particles in and around your brackets. The absence of ligatures in self-ligating braces may make them a little easier to clean.
  • Less discomfort. It’s possible that you might experience less discomfort with self-ligating braces than with traditional braces.


Before clear aligner treatment begins, a 3D scan of your teeth will be taken, which will then be used to create custom aligners for you. These clear aligners are worn and will exert a gentle force on your teeth. It shifts your teeth gradually to the correct position to fix the crossbite or deep bite.The time needed to correct an overbite with Invisalign varies per person. 


Occlusal guards (also called night guards) can be useful to protect your dental work, decrease symptoms, Sallow jaw alignment and act as a guide for your bite adjustment. In severe cases when symptoms persist, they are worn even after teeth have been accurately reshaped.An oral night guard looks similar to the trays used for teeth whitening and sits over the teeth to protect them from grinding or clenching. The device may also be referred to as an occlusal splint, occlusal guard, or bite splint


They are used for cosmetic reasons to cover teeth that are too small, chipped, irregularly shaped, stained, or otherwise imperfect. If you have an overbite or overjet, getting veneers would certainly help your smile look better.Porcelain veneers can work for almost any bite. The veneers can be made very thin on the lower teeth to accomodate the bite.Veneers are great for correcting issues of worn-out, discoloured, and misaligned teeth, including minor chips. Veneers can also be a solution in overbite cases where the margin is not beyond the scope of the restorative procedure.


Generally, dental overlays are used to fix tooth problems not bad enough to require a crown, while needing more than just a filling. There are two main types of dental overlays to consider: inlays and onlays.Inlays are similar to fillings but the entire work lies within the cusps (bumps) on the chewing surface of the tooth. Onlays are more extensive than inlays, covering one or more cusps. Onlays are sometimes called partial crowns. Overlays extends outwards from onlays.An overlay is used when the damage is a little more extensive. onlay replaces the cusp of a tooth. They offer many advantages over tooth-colored fillings since they are stronger, more durable, and more stain resistant


If the deep bite is a result of worn or missing back teeth. The bite can be rebuilt to function correctly by adding crowns, implants, or bridgework.A deep bite, even in adults, can be corrected these days with one of the many effective restorative treatment options. Treatment involves raising the bite to establish a correct bite by placing crowns on the behind teeth and replacing any missing teeth so that the chewing forces are distributed equally.If you have had a deep bite for some time you may well find that your upper teeth and the lower front teeth are extremely worn, so some restorative dentistry with things   porcelain veneers or crowns can be a good solution.

How do you fix a deep crown bite?

A deep bite, even in adults, can be corrected these days with one of the many effective restorative treatment options. Treatment involves raising the bite to establish a correct bite by placing crowns on the behind teeth and replacing any missing teeth so that the chewing forces are distributed equally.

Zoom Tooth Whitening | Chisel Dental Clinic Bangalore

The zoom tooth whitening system is a revolutionary tooth whitening procedure. It is safe,effective and fast. This treatment removes stubborn teeth stains giving the smile an everlasting brightness.Its a modern technology that uses a blue light to activate the bleaching chemicals. Unlike traditional whitening, ZOOM TEETH WHITENING is effective and time efficient.


Zoom whitening procedure uses ultraviolet light. This light can enhance the way that the gel works, allowing it to penetrate deeper into your teeth’s enamel. This can remove yellow or brown stains.


Zoom teeth whitening does not harm the enamel of teeth and can potentially strengthen the hardness of enamel by upto 25-37%. This is due to presence of the ACP (amorphous calcium phosphate) in the gel used to whiten your teeth.  


The complete procedure takes less than an hour,but a regular teeth cleaning is recommended prior to the actual zoom teeth whitening session. The procedure begins with a short preparation to cover the lips and gums, leaving the teeth exposed. The dentist then applies the Hydrogen Peroxide whitening gel which works together with zoom light to penetrate the teeth and break up the stains and discoloration and the light is activated for 15 minutes.

The gel is applied for  three 15-minutes session of light activation,for a total treatment time of45 minutes.



  • Avoid tooth – staining food and drink for the first 48 hours after your zoom.
  • Brush and floss regularly.
  • Boost your smile with whitening toothpaste.
  • Follow up whitening treatments.

BEFORE Treatment :

AFTER Treatment :

For more details about Zoom Teeth Whitening visit our website :

Veneer or Jacket crowns? Eternal dilemma

Veneers and jacket crowns are both dental restoration methods that can improve the look and function
of your teeth. The main difference is that a veneer covers only the front of your tooth and the crown
covers the entire tooth. Although the procedures are different, both have good success rates.
What is veneer?
A veneer covers only the front surface of your tooth. It is also called as lumineer. They are not as
invasive as crowns because the preparation leaves more of your original tooth intact. It is very thin layer
of porcelain about 1 mm that bond to the front tooth. Veneer is generally preferred in condition like
discolored teeth, chipped or cracked teeth, mild rotation, mild gap between two front teeth with
orthodontically acceptable bite.
Excessive interdental spacing
Excessive tooth loss
Root canal treatment
Pitted fluorosis/stains
(In all these condition we need crowns as a best option.)
What is crown?
A crown covers the entire tooth. It works as cap for your tooth. It can be with metal or metal free.
Metal free jacketed crowns are however better as they require less tooth grinding and can be as thin as
veneers. In this procedure more tooth structure is needed to be ground. It is used to rebuild the
strength of broken or decayed teeth, to restore the natural shape or size. It is best option in gross tooth
structure loss, root canal treatment, excessively worn tooth.
So, whether a veneer or a crown is right for you will depend on the condition of your teeth which will be
further reassure by your cosmetic dentist on the basis of clinical evaluation.

Veeners Crown

Veeners (Intraoral view) Crown (Intraoral view)

What is PRF?

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What is PRF?

  • PRF or platelet-rich-fibrin is a technique during which platelets in your blood are isolated to create a concentrate that is injected into damaged tissue to aid in faster healing. 
  • PRF technique actually takes healing process one step further with a fibrin meshwork comprised of growth factors and platelets. This fibrin mesh acts almost like a “band aid”
  • PRF is a minimally invasive technique with low risks and satisfactory clinical results such as preventing complications or implant failure.


Why use PRF?

  • During the PRF technique, a sample of your blood is put into a centrifuge machine which separates it into 3 different layers: red blood cells, platelet rich fibrin (PRF) and platelet poor plasma(PPP) 
  • Dental surgeon will then use PRF to create a resorbable membrane (band aid) over the surgical site. 
  •  The beauty of PRF is that your blood is not altered in any way, in turn your body will essentially be healing naturally at an accelerated rate with the end goal of “rebuilding and regenerating”.  

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Advantages of PRF

  • In Implant Surgery :
  • PRF acts like a band aid that can accelerate healing and reduce swelling after an injury/surgical site.  
  • Like a normal band aid it protects the surgical site from saliva, bacteria and other contaminants.  
  •  In turn, PRF can assist this area in healing quickly and also helping to prevent dental implant failure.  


Periodontal infrabony defects:

  • PRF may act as a biologic cement to hold the particles together, aiding the manipulation of the bone grafts and when mixed with bone graft, it may act as a “biological connector.”
  • PRF considerably enhances new bone formation compared to healing without PRF 

Procedure of PRF?

  • We draw a small sample of your blood in a glass container without adding any coagulants or thrombin. 
  • This blood is placed in the PRF centrifuge machine and spun down. 
  • In less than fifteen minutes, the PRF is formed and ready to use.


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Dental Implants in Bangalore


Dental Implant Maintenance - Implant Teeth Must Be Cleaned Differently


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MethodArtificial Titanium material shaped as roots placed in bone

Grinding of adjacent teeth which are later connectedGum impression (measurement) after which denture is placed
Tooth damageNo adjacent tooth damage
Adjacent teeth grinding necessaryGums might be subjected to extra pressure
Biting forceNear normal

Slightly lesser; good but pressure transferred to supporting teeth reducing their lifespanNoticeably less; “something better than nothing concept”
Treatment duration3-6 monthsFew daysFew days to weeks
LongevityLasts a lifetime with proper maintenance

10-15 years; but over time tends to weaken the supporting teeth.Needs replacement every few years; support from gums and underlying bone so eats them away over a period of time. 
CostExpensive initially but lasts longerLess expensiveLess expensive at first but replacement costs are present


How is Cosmetic Dentistry Different From Traditional Dentistry?

• Traditional dentistry concerned about oral health and hygiene whereas cosmetic dentistry gives importance to the esthetic part also.
• In traditional dentistry treatment they try to restore the structure, function, and maintenance of the teeth.
• In cosmetic dentistry along with structure and function they gave importance to size, shape, contour, and color of the teeth and gum thereby gives you a beautiful smile.
• Cosmetic dentists work on your smile and appearance so it will bring you lifelong happiness.

Treatments come under cosmetic dentistry:
• Inlays, Onlays and crowns
• Inlays are indirect restoration which is placed inside the tooth cavity
• Onlays are indirect restoration which replaces the fractured cusp or wall of teeth
• Crowns are the structures that entirely covers the tooth crown portion

• Composite restoration
Composite restorations are tooth-colored material that adheres to the tooth structure with micromechanical bonding it helps in build up the fractured tooth structure

• Dental Veneers

They are the tooth colored laminates which covers the tooth from the facial surface.

• Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening will improve the color of your teeth whereas a normal cleaning procedure will remove the deposits and stains which adhered to the tooth structure.

• Implant

The implant is the best and most advanced option for the replacement of a missing tooth without causing any harm to the adjacent teeth.

• Gum surgery

There are some patients with enlarged gums which gives them a gummy smile so to improve the smile the doctors will remove the extra gingival which grown over the tooth called a gingivectomy.

There are some patients with darker gingiva so for such patients we will surgically rove the pigment-producing cells called melanocytes.


Everyone has a dream of getting a straight and beautiful smile. Unfortunately, many people suffer from having crooked or misaligned teeth. Traditional metal braces were the only option to align the teeth. It is very effective but is fairly visible. That visibility often prevents adults from undergoing braces treatment. Thankfully, there is a better method to straighten your teeth i.e, Invisalign. You may be wondering about the benefits of Invisalign. Many choose this treatment over traditional braces because of its advantages.


The appearance of the braces is what stops people from undergoing treatment for mal-aligned teeth. Traditional braces are very effective at creating beautiful smiles but they are extremely visible. The benefits of Invisalign treatment is that it is practically invisible. In fact, most people wouldn’t even know that you are wearing anything to your teeth.


Everything is computerized, your treatment plan is scheduled at the beginning so it can predict the duration of the treatment. The computerized outcome will give you a clear idea of your treatment progress right from the beginning till the end. It allows you to see the end result and how impressive your new smile will be.


Traditional braces are directly bonded to your teeth so it is not removable and maintaining good oral hygiene is a task with the braces. Invisible aligners are entirely removable. You can simply remove aligners by yourself while eating, brushing, and put them back on when you are done. Hence, there are no eating restrictions with the Invisalign.

Better Hygiene

One of the main complaints regarding the traditional braces includes food and debris getting stuck between wires and brackets. Any food that is stuck around the braces can decompose and smell, leading to bad breath. Invisalign however can be easily removed so that you can clean your teeth normally. Simply remove your aligners and brush and floss whenever needed, your aligners also can be cleaned.


With the traditional braces, patients will have an issue with pokey wires that bother their cheek or lips. However, with Invisalign treatment, pokey wires or brackets are not a concern at all. It is a painless experience as it has a smooth surface.

Lesser Dental Visits

With the traditional braces, regular appointments are required to maintain, tighten or replace broken brackets. But with the invisible aligners, patients can take all sets of aligners with them so that they don’t have to visit the dentist on monthly basis.

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